Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Giveaway #2: No Whining!

THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED, but come back in the morning for a new one!

We're celebrating all of you hard-working moms with a giveaway from "This Thing Called Family" EVERY DAY this week!

SEVEN giveaways!  One winner every day!

Today's giveaway is this piece of wall art designed by Green Girl Laura, from our new mom rules:

From Laura:
"Oh. My. Gosh. Whining is one of my biggest mothering pet peeves. I would love to hear how all you moms out there conquer (or are trying to conquer) this bad habit. My husband and I just decided one day that if there was any whining coming out of our children's mouth, we just completely ignored them. As in, not even acknowledging their existence. We even would go so far as to have conversations such as, "Honey, did you hear something?" "No dear. Not a thing".  They quickly learned that there were ways to say what they wanted to say in a way that would have our full attention. I even entertain and listen to complaints if they are done in a polite and respectful manner. It was quite fun, especially when they were younger, to watch them work this out. Often times it would take them 2 or 3 attempts before they got it right. This is such an important thing to teach your children because we all know what's worse than a little whiner.....an adult whiner...and they're not as easy to ignore!!"  - Laura


*Tell us any tips you have on conquering 'The Whiner'.
OR anything you've tried that's backfired (We ALL have those moments!)

*One entry per person, please.
*Feel free to share this giveaway on facebook, twitter or pinterest.

*Be sure to leave a way to contact you, or we'll have to choose a different winner!

*Winner will be chosen randomly by the random number generator.

*Winner will be chosen at 10pm TONIGHT! 

*A new giveaway will start tomorrow! So come back in the morning!


  1. When all else fails and my 4 year old starts whining I simply turn up the music to a few of his favorite songs! In no time we are both dancing and singing along and the tears are gone!!!
    ~Natalie nlelliott722@yahoo.com

  2. When mine whine I point it out and then they have to wait two minutes before they can say what they want and they have to use their big girl voice or wait another two minutes to try again. :)

  3. When one of the boys won't stop whining, I mimic their voice and whine right back to them. Yes, that is super great parenting, but once they hear what they sound like, it helps them to realize how annoying they're being!!

    Also - can you clarify - do we need to leave a comment AND share on facebook, or can you do one or the other? Thanks :)

    1. you don't have to share it - just commenting is fine!

  4. I am not sure if I would call what my kids do whining or complaining(a bit of both at the same time I would say), but when they start I make them turn in a circle and start over. We usually all start laughing and whatever it was that was so terrible is not so bad anymore!
    - moorejhlzl@mchsi.com

  5. I ask my boys if they lost their big boy words & have them check their pockets!

  6. I have 5 children. Last night on the way to a 'Get Fit' program my 7 year old started whining about the talking/singing his 5 year old brother sitting next to him was doing. I simply pointed out to my 7 year old 'whiner' that his 5 yr old brother was one of 3 younger siblings (plus me) who would be stuck riding in the van for a total of almost an hour while he & his older brother got to go to 'Get Fit' & Baseball Practice. I also mentioned that the 5 year old wasn't complaining about not getting to be a part of anything that night & having to sit in the vehicle so maybe it would be fair for him to get to continue to talk/sing out loud during the van ride. Not another whine was made! I was speechless. No yelling & No whining. It was a glorious Silent victory! huthr@sbcglobal.net

  7. I usually ask my boys if the whining is helping them with whatever they're upset about. Sometimes they stay grumpy over it and keep whining, and so at that point I join in and say "well we better keep whining to see if it will help, and I'll do it too" and they can't stand it and realize that in fact, its helping no one and my "whining" gets on their nerves so they will stop and calm down - most times. :) aligibbons589@gmail.com

  8. I'm still trying to get my girls to stop whining...my mom informs me that I was quite a whiner! Thanks for the ideas! Ignoring definitely works the best!

    Rise and Shine Mom

  9. Oh my goodness, when the kids were little and would turn on that whining voice, I would totally ignore it. If they kept asking for my attention, I would finally turn to them and say, very seriously, 'Oh! I'm sorry, but I can't understand that language. Please talk to me in your normal voice.' Oddly enough, it WORKED!

    Great giveaway!!

    email address: Judy(at)soapnsuch(dot)com
    blog: cranberrymorning.blogspot.com

  10. I try two routes, I sing a song/distract him with another object OR I give him the option of doing it now or in 5 min but either way it's going to get done. '

  11. I am an only child and don't remember whining much at all, so dealing with my three children when they whine is quite a challenge. I try to make sure that they do not receive whatever it is they are whining about until they change their attitude and ask in a nice voice, with a grateful heart. Ignoring definitely comes in handy, too!


  12. i repeat the old adage - "use your words!". and sometimes i have to remind myself to do the same! Lauren M. lpgberry@hotmail.com

  13. I have yet to discover a way to get my daughter to stop whining completely (as if that's even possible). Every once in a while she catches herself and corrects her tone. I consider those to be small victories. She's 5 and learning to read. What if I had a sign that I could just point to every time she whined? She learns to read. I don't have to listen to any more whining. Win. Win.

  14. Im very old school if they are whining about the littlest things i remind them you have much other kids dont have and usually get them to stop. or usually talking to them like an adult.

  15. The dogs don't listen to commands that are whined at them, and I don't either! I usually say "Is that how we ask?" Sometimes it works the first time, and sometimes there are a few thoughtful moments by the fireplace.

    -Sharon peculiargirl@yahoo.com

  16. I look at them and say, "I'm sorry, I can't understand you."

  17. I can't understand you when you whine, you have to talk to me. when the whining continues, same answer. pretty soon they are talking.

  18. We ask our children if that's how we talk to each other in our house (or get want we want, or ask for things, etc). They know they won't be listened to if they continue, so they straighten up, use their big girl voices, and ask/speak to us like human beings again. nmgebel@hotmail.com

  19. I like the philosophy, "you get what you get, and don't throw a fit."

  20. Mason's whining currently is more tantrum-like. But I am sure I will hear plenty in the future. His whining now consists of telling me he needs milk, and its in a whining tone and he is only 2!


  21. I would always tell my two boys, "When you use your man voice and ask me politely, I will think about it."

  22. Joking always works at my house. I repeat how they sound but turn it up a notch or two. We usually end up laughing.

  23. I have three boys at home, 15, 12 and 6. Whining comes at all ages :). The tactic that works the best in my home is the mimic, whenever one whines the rest of us chime in and mimic, always a bit louder and more comical. The whine turns to laughter in a short time. Laughter is the best medicine after all!!!

  24. Whining is my biggest mommy peeve. Usually I just ignore them if they are whining or tell them, "I can't hear you when you talk to me like that. You need to wait a minute and then try again."

  25. I would tell my kids th
    at i do not speak "whinese" and they would always ask what that was and I would just whine back at them. They never liked that one too much....

  26. When the whining starts, I find "jobs" for my girls to do...dusting, cleaning baseboards, etc. right now these jobs seem fun to them, lol.

  27. I am not a traditional mom... I am a first grade teacher to 22 6 & 7 year olds. NO WHINING is a major rule in my classroom. Once the expectation is taught... I tell my littles that I can't hear whining. Some literally think I can not hear when others are whining. They know if they are whining and want some sort of response from me, they change their tone ASAP! I love this sign! When I saw it during your preview it made me smile, because those exact words come out of my mouth multiple times a day!

    1. oopsies...my email is Rebecca.seeley81@gmail.com
