Thursday, September 10, 2009

Homes of different sorts

"Home is where the hugs are." The frame is a stretcher frame covered in fabric and paper. I was pleased with this new experiment. It measures about 12 x 22. It was fun and I will probably try some more like this.
Here is a thrift store find birdcage! I funktified it. It's home to this little bird.
Hey! What the heck kind of bird are you anyway??? A pink dotted orange breasted purple winged blue tailed green bird!!! OK, that's what I thought!


  1. Oh wow! Love the birdie cage! Too cute.

  2. I think that may be some kind of endangered species you've got there. I've never seen anything like it!

  3. Your birdhouse is too pretty! A perfect home for your unique birdie.


  4. I love this bird and house. Very pretty. I found you through mod podge rocks.
