This past Saturday was the Lincoln Highway Festival in the little town of Mt. Vernon. They have the cutest downtown area.
Here we are, all set up, ready to go! The skies alternated between overcast and sunny. We did not get any rain until tear down time!
Our friend and fellow artist, Keri had a booth behind us. Here she is, goofing off for my picture, isn't she cute?! More on her and her fabulous art below~
Our booths were back to back in the middle of the street - something we'd not done before - so that we faced the shops. Good for their downtown businesses!
A fun little shop with random things, that we faced:
I'm very pleased with this camera angle - very flattering! Me and my Green Girl Sissy:
Green Girl made me take a picture of this quaint drinking fountain. I have no idea if it really works, but who has this in their downtowns?! Love it!
And here's Keri again with her artwork. She paints on old windows and incorporates collage elements as well. They are simply wonderful! Go check out her site, for lots of better pictures: Creative Genius Art and be sure to tell her you stopped by!