Sunday, June 14, 2009

Austin Goodies!

I wanted to post some pics of my Austin purchases. I was able to indulge myself this way thanks to the generosity and giving heart of a very special friend. I was presented with a letter and money when I was on the airplane (delivered by my daughter Laura) but it was signed "a friend" and her identity was not to be revealed until the money was spent. Needless to say, I was sobbing out of control! I'm sure the flight attendant just thought I was being a big baby about flying! Anyway, here is my favorite thing: purple peace sandals. so comfy. so me.
And then my angel mermaid or mermaid angel. I'm sure many of you are saying "what the....." But admit it - she's pretty cute. chubby. gems. gosh! I love her! She fits very nicely in my bathroom.
And no shopping spree is complete with out some art books! These are fabulous!
There was another good cry after the money was spent and my friend's name revealed. So I thank God for providing these gifts through this friend - who I am so thankful for having in my life. She knows my love of art and of my playful spirit and she has taught me so much about being a Godly woman and keeping my crazies under control at the proper times!!!! hmmmm.....

Whoops! I almost forgot - I also bought a life-sized glass hand (to display my rings on at shows.) It's packed up in an art box now, but it stirred up enough interest to cause Home Security to inspect my suitcase! They probably thought I was smuggling body parts or something!!! ha! That was hilarious.

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