Saturday, October 3, 2009

Etsy Update!

Hi, guys! I just updated my Etsy shop. I'm going to try and add a few things each week. Rumor has it that my mother-in-law is already working away at her Christmas shopping, so it's NOT too early to be thinking about these things (hint, hint.) Here's a little peek at some things you might see over there.


  1. hi . I love your art. i've got a couple questions. in the post immediately before this one, is the seek wisdom owl art still available? how big is the piece and do you have a photo you can email me of it? and what is the cost? UI've got another couple q's but have to go back and look at your photos and send you another email.

  2. hi again. in the lincoln higway festival post. the second photo: on the left there is a rectangular piece -- weathvane with a red bird on it -- whcan you send me a photo of that too. also, same photo, on the left, below the red bird piece, the bird on a branch, green frame. and then just below that, a bright flower on a black frame with little white scallops around the frame, can you send me photos of these too? or show me where I can see them better on your web site. didn't see them at your etsy shop. also prices on those pieces too please. my email is thanks.

  3. I love these!!!! keep up the great work!!!!
