Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I need your help. I want to start posting bigger pictures on our blog here. Does anyone know the process you need to go through to post pictures larger in dimension than the preset blogger options? I have a stinkin feeling it involves editing the html so i need someone to talk me through this slowly like you're talking to a child. :-) If anyone has any advice, I'd love to hear it! thanks all!



    hope this helps


    found another site...I just googled how to enlarge a photo on Blogger and a lot of stuff came up!! This looks like it is simple..

  3. What layout did you use to get two columns? All my photos get cut off on the side?

  4. Keri, it's the one called "sand dollar" and it's the one we've always had. Anytime I've tried to switch to a different template, our photos from the sidebar get cut off. this format doesn't work with any cute free templates from other sites, since you have to be in the minima template before any of them will work. I feel like we need to do something different, to make our site look more professional, but i don't know what. I'd love to have a personalized design, but don't want to spend the money to hire someone, and don't know how to do it myself!

  5. My friend told me to try this. See if it works with your blog.

    You have to use a three column blog template though.

  6. Seems like there's that option when you are uploading and posting them. ??
