Hello Beautiful People!
Here's a recent "We Love a Good Quote" for you:
This idea has been showing up in a lot of my artwork lately(as you can tell!)

Did you enjoy your Labor Day? The boys worked and played in the yard, I painted, we opened our windows (gorgeous weather!) made pizzas to eat out on the deck and got the kids ready for another week of school. Very relaxing! What did you do?
Yes, school is back in full swing! My youngest started kindergarten! Which means it's now very quiet around here during the day, just me and Mabel!
My kids were (mostly) excited to go back to school - by the end of summer they're bored and ready!
We LOVED hearing that a special young lady we know brought along this little piece of reassurance (made by Mama Winger) in her pocket for the first day of school:
Last week we had early 1pm dismissals EVERY single day, due to the heat. It was brutal. Yesterday and today we're enjoying more fall like temps with highs in the 70's ---- it's absolutely GORGEOUS! Yay! But I guess it's supposed to get hot again. Booo! We're hoping for fall whether on Saturday because we'll be doing this festival outdoors, in downtown Cedar Falls:
Click here for more info! |
*FYI, we are NOT going to be at Riverssance this year in Davenport, so this is our one and only fall show!
Remember the welcome sign we made for my kids' school? The other day when I was in the school office, I snapped a few more photos of what it looks like now that it's hung up!
Mama Winger has been hard at work on a huge school project too! Remember this teaser that she gave us on facebook?
She made a very looooong sign for our church preschool's new outdoor music area. Now the kids can bang on the pots and pans with different spoons and whisks to discover the different sounds they can make! It's like they've got their own mini Stomp!
Lots of fun going on around there! How was Artapalooza? Good? Mabel is too cute...can't believe she is so fluffy!! And I love "Make a Joyful Noise"! Love that saying!!!