So, my Mom came over the other day, walked through my kitchen, glanced over at some owls I was working on and said, "Are those underpants?" It's true, underpants is all I see now when I look at it. Underpants. With eyeballs. A poll was quickly taken at our house, where it was unanimous in the outcome. My husband was quoted as saying "Yeah, I thought that too, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to get hurt." Now, I must mention that there is a woman in the Des Moines area who now owns "Owl Underpants". And if you're reading this, whoever you are, please don't be offended. Owl Underpants has worked its way into our hearts, here at Things With Wings and actually might go down in history on the list of Things With Wings Memorable Moments. In fact, since it has been the source of much enjoyable conversation it may be the token Greengirl Christmas gift this year. We'll see. You now have two options, Mrs. Des Moines, you can :
A. Stick your Owl Underpants in a closet and hang your head in shame.
B. Hang your underpants with pride!
(We, here are Thing With Wings think you should go with option B!)
P.S. Someday, we'll have a discussion about the owl below and it's choice of undergarments. I'm getting uncomfortable just looking at it. But, we'll save that for another time....
