Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Special Order
Here's another recent special order I did for a friend who was looking for a personalized wedding present. The request was for neutrals and some blue. The challenge was with the couple's name. "The Homewood Home" with a picture of a house (like I would normally do) just felt too cheesy! So these two love birds have their initials carved into their tree home - aww...isn't that sweet!
Let Go & Let God
These 3 pieces are a special order I just finished for someone. She had seen this piece in my etsy shop and asked if I'd do some smaller pieces of just the hands holding up the heart. This customer was easy to work with - she was flexible on the size, and I got to pick whatever 3 color schemes I wanted! I really like how they turned out so I made sure I scanned them before I send them off. Not sure what I'll do with the scans, but lately making and selling some prints has been in the back of my mind. I do not have a quality printer or know much about how to go about creating quality prints. So that's on the way back burner for now. But if anyone has any advice for me on that subject, I'd love to learn more.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Here is a mirror I just finished up. I'm donating it to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation for their annual gala to raise funds. The theme this year is "Cure-iosity" I am pleased with the results and mixed about parting with it, but this was my full intention - to give it away - so no turning back now! And yes, her legs are bent the wrong way - a curious thing, huh?
A closer look at the lettering. I like how these photos are reflecting my plants.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
If The Shoe Fits...
My Little Helper.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
What's all the HOOPLA?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Hallelujah! We've Got Mod-Podge.
Got Mod Podge?
Can I say how very much I like Mod Podge? Have you tried it? I've been using it since the early 70's when we use to cut little flowers from napkins and mod podge them onto styrofoam egg shapes. Those were the days. And now there are all different kinds (flavors) of Mod Podge I'm discovering. I can't imagine the quality of my life without it. It's helped me become the artist that I am today. And I want to say a special thank you to our new friend Mod Podge Amy for the wonderful package - Laura is sharing with Jill and I!!! You beginners out there - do not try this at home - just stick to doing art with it. (and by the way, Noah, I used frosting!)

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Why, that's me!!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wow! We are being featured on Just a Girl today! Welcome to all the new visitors stopping by today! Lots of refreshing, fun things to look at on the Just a Girl blog, so go visit and say hi! Thanks Chris!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Things To Do:
Sharing Time (cont.)...
Gosh, since it's sharing time, I thought I better put some of this stuff up. I just finished these girls up. These were made using the technique of a cut-out magazine face and picking out some features to highlight. Then you brush a wash of paint over the rest . They were fun to make and something different, which is refreshing. I think they're pretty with just the right touch of ugly to make them interesting to look at. {Does that make sense to anyone besides me??} I like the bottom one a lot, but the blonde on top looks a little....I don't know...I can't think of an appropriately nice word, so I'll just be quiet. (Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself, or your art...)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
In our flower garden
Share Time
I am always so much better off when I remember to keep my eyes focused on Jesus, and off of myself:
5 1/4 x 24 inches ($45)
The best thing to hold onto in life (especially when things get crazy!) is each other. Ain't that the truth!
Sometimes we're given little gifts: moments that are mysterious...magical...dare I say MIRACULOUS. I don't know that it's ever come in the form of a beautiful bird perching on my head, but still, God is moving and speaking - and we don't always have to have a "logical" explanation. Don't try to understand or explain everything.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Don't Try This at Home
All of us here at Things With Wings are big fans of Mod-Podge. I mean HUGE. We use it in ALL of our projects. (and no one's even paying me to say that!) After Laura was brave enough to blog about her harrowing experiences in the Great Mod-Podge Massacre of 2009, (let the healing begin, Laura, let the healing begin.) we were introduced to Amy's blog, Mod-Podge Rocks - a work of genius I tell you. She recently posted this video by Cathie and Steve. And now, because I find it hilarious, I'm passing it along to all of you.
Fun New Pieces
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Connie's Cupboards
I got crazy and did a cupboard door makeover this week. 11 of my cupboard doors have a glass panel on them like this. I have hated them from day one - outdated and country blue - just not my style at all, but I have lived with them for about 7 years. I don't know what got into me all of a sudden, I guess it was just time. So here is before:
And the same cupboard after:
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Modge-Podge Massacre of 2009.
The suspect: MOD PODGE.
Evidence A:

Evidence B:
Evidence C, D, E, F......
That was quite the spray pattern. LOTS of cleanup. Not good. Not good at all. I'm more upset about the amount of mod podge I lost. That stuff is like liquid gold. I considered scooping it back in the container, then I realized its been a REAL LONG time since my floors have been washed. Maybe I could invent a new speckled, crumb-like, textured finish. Or not. Nast.
Evidence B:
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Here's my little stash I came home with from the What Cheer Flea Market. Milk bottle caps, stones that are larger than I've ever seen, and these decorative things that go on furniture. I think they go behind drawer pulls, but I'm not sure. At any rate, they're cool and bound to show up on a piece of artwork.
A silver plate . . . . .
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