Not too long ago I made it my mission to get reorganized. I really needed to get rid of a bunch of stuff and figure out some ways to make better use of my art space. Here's the result:

My handy husband put together new stackable shelving to put on top of my work table. (There are actually 2 units stacked on top of each other, plus one corner unit.) I had just enough room left over for my beloved paint carousel. Too bad they don't make a "double decker." I could use one twice as tall - I could easily fill it up.

It's a good feeling to have a place for everything.

This formica table was our kitchen table in our apartment days! Before that it was my in-law's. They bought it used. It's been around. It has YEARS of layers of mod-podge and paint on it. There's no need to clean it up. My boys like to come downstairs and pick at it. It IS kind of addicting - like a peeling sunburn that you can't resist.

My oldest was painting his pinewood derby car the other day and he pointed out the paint from LAST year's car - still there! What a story this table has to tell!

Underneath the table there's just enough room for all of my paper. Can I just tell you that my heart may have skipped a beat when I found these 3 drawer organizers at Wal-Mart in the plastic storage aisle, marked down. They're EXACTLY the right size for 12x12 scrapbook paper. Now THIS gets me excited: it's all organized by color. (I have 2 sets of drawers stacked on top of each other on each side.)

Another favorite thing I cannot do without: my 12x12 cutting mat - makes measuring a breeze!

I even organized my scraps - for now anyway - we'll see how long it lasts - into bigger and smaller pieces. Huh. I should really take those stickers off those containers.

Brushes, pencils and small tools have a handy spot in this IKEA organizer:

I am so blessed to be surrounded by inspiration! Special artwork by my boys:

The angel was made by my mom. She used an antique doll figure and the same fabrics she'd made my prom dresses from!

The framed shoes were drawn by my dad (who was also an artist and photographer) and then manipulated digitally. He always used to sit like that. The first Christmas after he passed away, my mom gave us girls these prints and added these words, "You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling. I walk before the Lord in the land of the living." Psalm 116:8-9
The "Ward Photography" sign was made by my parents and hung outside of our family home. (My dad worked out of our home, photographing weddings, families and portraits.)

Old-timey photographer made by my mom as a present for my dad:

Bulletin board (gift from my mom) with various newspaper articles:

Another new shelf - we put the top 3 racks very close together to make some 'drying racks'. My goal: to keep the dog hair in the drying mod-podge to a bare minimum. This still left me with room below for more drawers.

Doesn't this drawer just make you happy?! So much fringy, yarny goodness....

Various thrifted wood and new chipboard projects waiting to be completed:

Thrifted frames waiting for a facelift. Don't worry - I'm not going to be going "nautical" on you anytime in the near or distant future.

Getting reorganized, I discovered a few things: I should not need to buy paint or paper for a very. long. time. Yeah, you heard me say it - now just remind me of this the next time Hobby Lobby's having a sale on paper. Also: I'm naturally messy. (Wait, I already knew that.) But I'm enjoying being this organized. We'll see how long it lasts.... It SHOULD be easier to maintain...
right? Some of you may be thinking, "THIS is organized?! There is still an awful lot of clutter!" Trust me. YOU didn't see the before pictures. It was out. of. control.