Anybody have any clever ideas of what should go in these frames? I'll entertain your suggestions, but I can't make any promises. We artists are moody that way.
Monday, January 28, 2008
New Birds and Girls
Here are some pieces that I've been working on forever - and now they're finally done!! I started these pieces all at the same time, long before Christmas. I've found that I like to work in "batches." Doing a bunch of designing, cutting, gesso-ing, painting, staining or sealing on several pieces at once. This has the added benefit/drawback of several pieces looking similar to one another. Not sure if this is good, or bad.
I think I'm all 'birded' out for awhile. I'm coming up with something different for this next 'batch.' Not sure what yet! Whatever it is, it's going to go into these frames that I covered with paper today:
Friday, January 25, 2008
Angel Sighting!
Tonight I was looking up at the ceiling and I saw this angel looking at me. I knew no one would believe me, so I took a picture to prove it. I was not just "seeing things." I'm just as normal as anyone else. Oh, yeah, she said that some of the other angels are weeping over the mess our world is in, while she is barely holding it together.

Friday, January 18, 2008
JOY down in my heart
Here is another Christmas gift I received this year from 3 young budding artists. The "J" was done by Jackson, age 11, the "O" by Noah age 8, and the "Y" by Lily age 2. Lily was able to discover the world of stickers and has layer on layer of stickers. The whole thing is wonderful and it is hanging right next to where I spend most of my time. It and they bring me lots of joy.

Thursday, January 17, 2008
For Emily.
This is the box I gave Emily for Christmas (with fun goodies inside!). I didn't think it was fair to make her buy an extra seat on the plane to take back her very own 2x2 artpiece (see below!)

I've been trying to remember to take pics of things I've done to refer back to. A couple of days before Christmas, I was going through photos on my computer, showing Em some pics of the kids and accidently clicked on this. I tried to act all "oh, this old thing..ha, ha". Luckily (I think) it turns out she wasn't paying the least bit of attention! Good thing.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
House Warming Gift
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Suspense is Over
Well, I know at least a few of you out there are all abuzz - wondering what in the heck I got for Christmas from my sister. Since I left you hanging, and because Laura forgot to take a picture of it before sending it off, I get the honors of showing it to all of you. Here it is:
It's all polka-dotty and wonderful! It's going to look great in my purple and green kitchen. (Maybe I'll have to post another picture of it when my husband gets it hung up. Ahem, ahem.) In our home we do all of these things pretty well: family, Jesus, love, hugs and kisses, grace, mistakes and I'm sorry's and especially the "loud!" I feel so blessed to have family who love us enough to create something special just for us!
It's all polka-dotty and wonderful! It's going to look great in my purple and green kitchen. (Maybe I'll have to post another picture of it when my husband gets it hung up. Ahem, ahem.) In our home we do all of these things pretty well: family, Jesus, love, hugs and kisses, grace, mistakes and I'm sorry's and especially the "loud!" I feel so blessed to have family who love us enough to create something special just for us!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Name Sign
Another tradition that my mom has created is that she makes each of her grandkids a name sign when they are born. Max received his special present recently and I have yet to hang it up, but hung it on the wall downstairs so I could take a picture of it to show all of you! The colors will match his room perfectly! Everytime I have time free to hang it it's because Max is sleeping - not a good time to go banging on his wall! I'll have to get around to it soon because I think he'll like to look at the danglies. Although he doesn't know about ice cream cones and juice yet, the day will be here before we know it. Thanks Mom, for making such special treasures for my boys! 
Creative Works Ornaments
The Creative Works fairy came to visit me this weekend! Well, actually, we finally had our family Christmas this weekend - which means, yes, we still have our tree up : ) ! It is a tradition that our mom makes an ornament for everyone. This year Max received a special "Baby Love" one.
The older boys each got fish:
And I (or should I say "my hubby and I"? No...maybe I'll just say "I"). Anyway, I received a very nice tree girl ornament:
made to look like the big ones that Laura made earlier. What's funny about this is that my mom made the ornament, but it looks just like Laura's style. What does this mean? We can't resist copying each other? We really are becoming more and more like each other as we get older? Hmmm....I don't know!
So now I have an ornament to match the big tree that Laura so kindly gave me. (She didn't want to carry it home from an art show because it was so cumbersome, so she gave my mom and I each one! Can you believe that gal?!) I feel like one lucky gal! You all will think I'm lucky too when you see what Laura made me for Christmas. Hope she posts about it soon, or else you'll just have to wonder for awhile about it. Her talent really blows me away, and you all will be impressed too!
The older boys each got fish:
And I (or should I say "my hubby and I"? No...maybe I'll just say "I"). Anyway, I received a very nice tree girl ornament:
made to look like the big ones that Laura made earlier. What's funny about this is that my mom made the ornament, but it looks just like Laura's style. What does this mean? We can't resist copying each other? We really are becoming more and more like each other as we get older? Hmmm....I don't know!
So now I have an ornament to match the big tree that Laura so kindly gave me. (She didn't want to carry it home from an art show because it was so cumbersome, so she gave my mom and I each one! Can you believe that gal?!) I feel like one lucky gal! You all will think I'm lucky too when you see what Laura made me for Christmas. Hope she posts about it soon, or else you'll just have to wonder for awhile about it. Her talent really blows me away, and you all will be impressed too!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Polka Dots
"I feel like I'm full of polka dots on the inside!"
-famous Connie Berends quote
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